
Backbone definition science
Backbone definition science

Museums are processes and must be at the service of society and its development. Devem ser unidades de investigação, interpretação, mapeamento, documentação, preservação cultural, comunicação e exposição dos testemunhos do homem e da natureza, com o objetivo de ampliar construção da identidade. Museus são processos e devem estar a serviço da sociedade e do seu desenvolvimento. Communal, private, public, or mixed organizations, entities which may be institutionalized or not, non-pro (English) Museum is nourished through diverse cultural forms and relationships: collective subjects, significant object-knowledge and memory activations with the purpose of safeguarding participants, research and promote artistic expression as well as past and in progress cultural heritage activities. (English)Įl Museo se alimenta de la diversidad de formas culturales de la relaciôn: sujetos colectivos, objetos-conocimientos significativos y memorias-activaciones con el fin de resguardar, investigar y exponer expresiones artîsticas asî como la herencia cultural del pasado y en construcciôn. Museum is a non-institution of permanent character, with or without juridical personality, aiming at systematizing a set of tangible cultural assets and valuing them through: research, incorporation, inventory, conservation, interpretation, exhibition and dissemination in order to dialogue with various audiences (national and international) in the field of visitation, academic and delight.

backbone definition science

Museu- é uma instituição sem fins lucrativos, de caracter permanente, com ou sem personalidade jurídica, com objectivo de sistematizar um conjunto de bens culturais tangíveis e valoriza-los por meio de investigação, incorporação, inventariação, conservação, interpretação e divulgacao, … (Portuguese) The museum owes a transparent organization committed to the social development of its community. (Spanish)Ī museum is an institution that guards, preserves, documents, researches, exhibits, disseminates and protects a cultural heritage of great significance for Humanity, whether material or immaterial. El museo debe una organización transparente y comprometida con el desarrollo social de su comunidad. Un museo es una institución que custodia, conserva, documenta, investiga, expone, difunde y protege un patrimonio cultural de gran significado para el Humanidad, ya sea material o inmaterial. (updated regularly and sorted by date of receipt – with provisional translations as received from contributors)

backbone definition science

ICOM invited its members, committees, partners and other interested stakeholders to participate in the development of potential alternatives for the museum definition in time for the 25 th ICOM General Conference, which will take place in Kyoto, 1-7 September 2019. The current definition, which has only seen minor adjustments over the past few decades, does not reflect and express adequately the complexities of the 21 st century and the current responsibilities and commitments of museums, nor their challenges and visions for the future. Following the recommendation of the standing committee on Museum Definition, Prospects and Potentials and having carefully weighed the pros and cons, the ICOM Executive Board has decided, that it is time to rethink and revise the existing museum definition. However, the points of intersection between museums and communities are continuously shifting.


Across the world ICOM provides a common framework for museums, a forum for professional discussions, and a platform for questioning and celebrating heritage and collections in museums and cultural institutions.Ī shared definition of the museum serves as the backbone for ICOM as a global organisation.

Backbone definition science