After converting the video, I can't play it.I can't play my downloaded video file.When I play a downloaded video, it is incomplete and only 10/15 seconds, and re-downloading it doesn't help.I converted a video to "iPod" but I can't play it on my iPod Touch? Why not?.How can I remove the video and only save the audio so I can play it on my mp3 player?.When I try to convert the video I receive the error message: "The conversion of your video file has failed, etc." Why?.After I convert, the sound quality is bad comparing to the original video.Is it possible to select multiple files for conversion.My proxy server requires me to use a password.Can I use a proxy server to download videos?.Is there a way to queue multiple files for downloading?.Why do I keep getting "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded" when I try to download videos?.

I'm getting a "file not found" error when I try to run YTD and it doesn't start.I keep getting "Abort, Retry, Ignore" errors from the installer.